Emperor Wu III made no answer and waited quietly.

Li Zhengfan continued to say it.
"Because his son Ji Chenxing told many people that he is the mountain with the highest personal force in the Federation."
At this point, Li Zhengfan did not know that Ji Chenxing was still a student at Longzhou Star Military University when he died.
But the current theory is that he or Emperor Wu III got information through various channels and learned something about Ji Xinghe’s life, Ji Chenxing.
The documentary "The Old Man, the Stars and the Sea", which is widely circulated in various federations, is not a secret for Li Zhengfan and Emperor Wu III.
"Ji Xinghe is a genius who doesn’t know it, but his talent can make him a very capable old man, far from reaching the level of Yong Guan San Jun. If Ji Chenxing didn’t sacrifice or Ji Xinghe didn’t desperately want to avenge Ji Chenxing after his sacrifice, he would be silent in his life.
And his granddaughter Ji Rongxinyue, if there is no Ji Rongxinyue, Ji Xinghe will be sacrificed for revenge obsession not long after he arrives at another planet, and there is a great possibility that it is worthless.
Take good care of Ji Rong Xin Yue’s responsibility to make him try his best to earn money and obtain military merits. Because of this, Ji Rong Xin Yue can get the best treatment. The same responsibility also allows Ji Xinghe to spend his most likely sacrifice time. "
Li Zhengfan suddenly stopped because he heard Adakang tell information that was very confidential to the empire.
But he didn’t ask anything, but he spoke a little faster. Go on
"I believe Ji Xinghe played the first game with Li Han. If Li Han didn’t release water, he could not win even if he could, so simply because he was not strong at that time and he didn’t have any combat experience.
But after the first world war, he became the combat instructor of the No.6 base, and one elite soldier after another became his student and his opponent, and he helped him at the same time.
Seeing the stars and the sea, we can know that the world is vast, so Ji Xinghe has changed, but increasing his combat experience, revenging and protecting his granddaughter are not enough to make him grow to the present level.
Yeah, and those last words he heard are not enough. "
Li Zhengfan looked at Emperor Wu III’s eyes and repeated the reason he had just said.
"Because his son Ji Chenxing told many people that he is the mountain with the highest personal force in the Federation."
Then it was supplemented.
"It’s like many children recognize their father as the most powerful man in the world when they were young. Ji Chenxing knows that Ji Xinghe can play well, but when he says this sentence, he is not sure that Ji Xinghe is the enemy. Ji Xinghe was not the enemy before.
But when Ji Chenxing said this sentence to many people, his father Ji Xinghe knew this sentence after he arrived in another star, or he knew that Ji Chenxing had only two wishes, and he must be an enemy. "
Li Zhengfan avoided the sight of Emperor Wu III and looked at the screen.
"Ji Chenxing’s other wish is that the Federation can win this war, and there are many ways to win this war, each of which is difficult, but the simplest way is that there is a human being who can be the enemy of the world like a god, even if he has his own strength, he can decide the outcome of this war.
If you want to complete the last wish of Ji Chenxing, Ji Xinghe must become an enemy god. Therefore, the limited talent has become a limited talent. If this war is not over, Ji Xinghe will not be limited. "
Seeing that Adakang had been disarmed, Li Zhengfan looked at Emperor Wu III again.
"It is impossible for human beings to win Adakang when they are disarming, but that is the limit of human beings, not the limit of Ji Xinghe."
Emperor Wu III suddenly laughed and looked at the screen from Li Zhengfan’s body.
"I won’t stop Adakang. Let him speak to me now."
Li Zhengfan was silent and looked at him. Emperor Wu III sighed in his heart.
When the line of sight turned and looked at the screen again, I saw Ji Xinghe, who was very stupid and agreed to the battle of disarming.
It is he who thinks Ji Xinghe is very stupid, just as Ji Xinghe thought Ivanovich and them were stupid yesterday.
He just said that he wanted to influence Emperor Wu III to stop Adakang, just as he firmly believed that there must be many people in the Federation trying to stop Ji Xinghe at this time.
It’s a pity that his father Andy is no longer a star, so no one can stop Ji Xinghe.
But even if his father is an alien or commander-in-chief, he still has no official title. Can the federal marshal really stop Ji Xinghe?

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