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Has there been no place for her in this city since then?

"I advise you to come with me. Maybe it’s a good thing to change the environment." Xing Feng advised her.
Xia Zhu has some stubborn shook his head. Does everyone fear the power of Bai Yinting? She doesn’t believe it.
Besides, he shouldn’t be so broad, right? Does everyone have to listen to him? With what?
"Of course, you also have a second choice to find Qu Lu. He should be able to arrange it for you." Xing Feng gave an idea again.
"Thank you for going back to rest early," said Xia Zhu and walked into the building.
Xing Feng sighed and got into the car. He thought for a long time in the car and called Qu Lu. His chance came again.
Xia Zhu almost didn’t sleep well for another night. The next afternoon, there was no class, and she went out to look for a job again. Sure enough, no one dared her like Xing Feng said.
Some people didn’t even let her in. Even those who received her would hear her name and make excuses to drive people away directly.
Xia Zhu, exhausted and walking down the street, finally believed the power of Bai Yinting.
He is really cruel enough. Now that he has done so, let’s break it more thoroughly. Xia Zhu thought of stopping a taxi and heading straight to Bai Yinting Company.
Bai yinting was in a meeting, but the secret failed to stop Xia Zhu. for the first time, she was very rude and broke into the meeting room directly.
Seeing her, everyone showed curiosity. Bai Yinting was calm. "Take a break for ten minutes."
Everyone knows where to go and gives the door to them alone.
"What did you come to see me for?" Bai yinting knew that Xia Zhu had been looking for an afternoon job outside, and he really wanted to force Xia Zhu to come back for him.
"Bai yinting, if you are now, sometimes we will handle the divorce formalities." Xia Zhu didn’t express herself, and the result was so natural.
Bai Yinting almost froze for a few seconds to react. What did Xia Zhu say? She didn’t bow her head to admit her mistake, but divorced her directly.
"Can’t you wait to find a home?" Bai yinting seemingly calm heart has been boiling.
"Yes, anyway, it’s already like this. Just break it completely." Xia Zhuhong held her head high with stubborn eyes.
"Clean and thorough?" Bai Yinting walked up to Xia Zhu and picked her up and said, "You brought me so many scars and left like this? Do you think I will let you go? "
"What else do you want?" Xia Zhu endured tears and asked
"You want to leave me to marry someone else, right? Let me guess: Qu Lu or Xing Feng? Or my undeserving brother? " Bai yinting sneered
Xia Zhu knows that Bai Yinting has always been so unbearable in her heart that she has endured it.
"If it weren’t for you, anyone could," Xia Zhu replied angrily.
"All right?" Bai yinting didn’t expect Xia Zhu to hate him to such an extent.
Xia Zhu’s stubborn eyes are still full of disappointment and a little imperceptible sadness.
Bai Yinting suddenly grabbed her shoulder and let her look at the busy workers outside through the glass in the conference room. "Take a good look at whether these strangers are also your lover?"
Xia Zhu is one leng. She knows that if she answers, these people may be abused by Bai Yinting from now on and will lose their jobs.
She can’t answer because yes or no will cause an uproar.
"Why don’t you talk?" Bai yinting whispered in her ear, "oh, yes, they are not rich enough, are they?" You like a rich and handsome man, Xia Zhu. What charm do you have to fascinate so many people? "
"That’s your imagination." Xia Zhu gently dodged Bai Yinting’s breath and warmed her earlobe to make her heart start to ripple again.
Chapter two hundred and ten Grass is everywhere in the world
Bai yinting found that Xia Zhu had escaped his anger in the middle of the back, and the fire burned again. She actually began to dislike herself.
Did that woman whom he held in his palm finally show her heart?
"I won’t let you go, even if I don’t love you, I will trap you in a marriage siege." Bai Yinting obviously means that Xia Zhu will not be free.
Xia Zhu seems to have thought of this result and didn’t show despair. She smiled. "Is it me that Bai Yinting is trapped in this city?"
Bai Yinting Bai Xiazhu means not only Xia Zhu but also him.
However, he would rather stay in this besieged city himself, because this is the only connection between him and Xia Zhu.
"I need a job. If you continue to retaliate against me in your way, I think I can become a good woman at any time." This is a threat from Xia Zhu to Bai Yin Court.
Bai Yinting stared at Xia Zhuyou stupidly for a moment. He saw a little sadness and injustice in her eyes.
Did he really do anything to hurt her? But what did she do? Not worthy of forgiveness or sympathy.
All this is what she should bear. Bai Yinting gradually became cruel.
His face is still cold as if he had no feelings for Xia Zhu.
"Before, you said you never wanted to see me again. Today, I polluted your eyes. If we can, we really don’t see each other again," said Xia Zhu, turning around so smartly.
Bai yinting didn’t expect Xia Zhu to say so. don’t say goodbye. this is not what he wants.
Xia Zhu has walked out of the meeting room and disappeared. In the sight of Bai Yinting, he is still in a state of stupidity.
The whole brain seems to have been released. Is it really no longer to see her again and again?
Bai Yinting knew that what he said was full of duplicity and malicious words, but he still couldn’t let Xia Zhu go deep in his heart.
Love is so strange that it is painful to pretend not to love when you are still in love and hate your guts.
Sigh Bai Yinting sat in the chair again, and there was no belief in continuing the meeting.
"Boss?" Lin Hao came in carefully.
"Go out" Bai Yinting doesn’t want to talk to people.
"OK" Lin Hao gestured to everyone. The meeting was temporarily cancelled and their boss needs to be alone now.
Everyone can see that Bai yinting’s feelings for Xia Zhu are still so deep and warm, and he is still stubborn to pretend to be so-called
Lin Hao sighed and shook his head to call Huang Yubo. Several people agreed to go out for a drink at night to persuade Bai Yinting.
This is a difficult thing for them. Bai Yinting’s personality is generally not very active in dealing with love. It is rare to take the initiative once, but he has been so traumatized. At this moment, he is a wounded beast, and it is time for their friends to shine.
Lin Jiegang hung up and suddenly saw Bai Yinting coming out of the meeting room in a hurry.
Watching him go straight to the ladder forest, he quickly chased after "Boss, where are you going?"
Bai yinting didn’t answer but went into the ladder. Lin Hao frowned, didn’t he? This worthless man won’t be handsome and then he wants to be a grandson, right?
After Xia Zhu came out of the company, all her pride and self-esteem were instantly deflated. What should I pack? My heart is full of holes.
Forget it, since you can’t go back, just love yourself.
Xia Zhu was preparing to go back to school when she suddenly saw a car coming, and her heart suddenly trembled. After seeing the license plate number, she was sure it was Qulu.

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