南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 桑拿会所 This time, the monks finally heard the sound of the inferno soldiers drumming into the water and running for their lives. They also heard the inferno soldiers panic and shouted and saw the inferno soldiers barely propping up their defense.

This time, the monks finally heard the sound of the inferno soldiers drumming into the water and running for their lives. They also heard the inferno soldiers panic and shouted and saw the inferno soldiers barely propping up their defense.

But with one exception, time flies, all resistance, all efforts are in vain.
Every streamer has an unparalleled disintegration force, and the streamer-shrouded area has become a huge force field, in which all monks and ships, even the sea water, are forcibly disintegrated and the smallest particles float on the sea surface.
In the black fog, Luo San, the leader, almost wiped the agarwood sword and retreated further away. When he reappeared in the black fog, he looked at the face that had just been swept away by the agarwood sword. It was already a horror.
At Sun Hao deeply, Luo San dared not stay and never wanted to stop Sun Hao from escaping from the black fog quickly.
The monks of Fengyun have higher morale than others
Adult agarwood reappears the great power of agarwood sword. It is self-evident that the monks don’t want to take the lead in the wind and cloud. "Aquilaria agarwood …"
Sun Hao’s eyes were fixed on the direction of Luo San’s escape, and his mouth suddenly and violently roared, "Luo San’s brother will take a break and pick me up again …"
God knows that Pang Dazhenyuan can be guided into the agarwood sword by Sun Hao again through the ship array.
Sun Hao’s sword finger pointed forward and roared "Where to escape!"
The agarwood sword instantly plays a thousand feathers and streamers, chasing the dragon boat in the black fog.
The streamer black fog was broken by layers.
Los three floating faucet speed although surprisingly fast, but found that time is much faster than himself.
Even if I move continuously and instantaneously, it seems that I am getting closer and closer to the streamer.
Los three is very able to see those loyal inferno soldiers behind him desperately drive ships to block streamers and then turn them into fly ash.
And fly sword streamer still followed his chase.
His escape to chase up.
In my heart, I lamented that Sun Hao and Sun Chenxiang did not expect that they would eventually fall into the sea of souls. When they were about to flee back to the magic abyss, they fell into this foreign sea.
As soon as my eyes closed, Luo San seemed to see the wife, children and women in the underworld who were waiting for their return. I hope you can have a good farewell …
Time flies and annihilates everything. It’s difficult to see it, and Los Angeles is doomed.
Sun Hao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally he killed the inferno general with extraordinary command ability.
Corleone’s heart is thinking this way. In the sky, the drunken old man in spirit of war Palace was suppressed with a violent roar "Blackwater, you can’t …"
Suddenly and violently roar in the hands of a young bamboo broom quickly swept over.
Spirit of war Palace is not a hundred miles away from Sun Hao’s battlefield. However, the bamboo broom has been swept away by the time.
Boom a bamboo broom and bump into a black sword.
Huge impact force will los three body forward a bit quickly left the time.
Sun Hao’s heart is horizontal, regardless of the impact of the explosion, the platform is still agarwood rushing to Luosan.
Spirit of war Palace mouse is not hungry, but also drinks "turbid clouds don’t think about me."
Skinny claws collided with a golden compass.
Sun Hao chased Luo San
Luo San’s command ability, the demon king, valued his rescue and detonated a series of reactions.
A few big monks guarding spirit of war Palace will naturally not stand idly by and crashing. The fate war broke out around Zhongluo III.
Sun Haojian’s feather was hit by the aftermath of the war several times, but he finally failed to chase Luo San. Of course, Luo San was swept by the aftermath of Sun Haojian’s feather, and he was also uncomfortable. He almost fell on the spot.
In the end, the Golden Sun Devil personally reached out and dragged Luo San into the abyss with one hand and one hand.
And the sound of the soul is not drunk is clearly coming from spirit of war Palace. "This magic will have escaped into the magic abyss. Don’t chase agarwood. Brothers all souls will counterattack and press all magic repairs into the magic abyss.
Sun Haolang said, "Good friends, follow me to clear the magic army …"
Thousands of miles around Wanshun Mountain, the sea is black and foggy, and the black clouds are full of waves and waves, and the battles are repeated.
In the magic abyss, Luo San watched Sun Hao destroy his fleet by 70%.
However, after his departure, the marine detachment suffered a blow that was even more incurable. Because of their slow speed, they arrived at the Magic Cave later and were chased and intercepted by Sun Hao Fengyun Fleet and Siling Fleet, resulting in high losses.
If it weren’t for the massive demonization of sea animals as cannon fodder in the sea, the inferno sea army might be wiped out
When Sun Haojian, the last inferno warship, turned fly ash into light,
All the warships behind Sun Hao
All the lucky monks in Wanshun Mountain
They all raised their swords high and shook them, and burst into amazing cheers.
Friar Fengyun led the cheers of "Aquilaria sinensis, Aquilaria sinensis" and finally gathered into a huge wave all over the island of souls.
Chapter one or two Five Little Godsworn
Sun Hao floated out of the sea and looked at Wanshun Mountain. The magic gas was still rolling in the abyss, and his hands were pressed.
Friar cheers gradually calmed down.

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