南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 品茶论坛 Blue ink yan looked at the road blue is increasingly angry.

Blue ink yan looked at the road blue is increasingly angry.

"It’s clever to look at it at ordinary times. How can you be so stupid when you key?"
Speaking of this, Ru Xiaonan is very wronged. "It’s all because my hair is too long. I want to cut it and you won’t let it …"
Blue ink Yan froze. I didn’t expect to blame him in the end
It’s really hard for her to cut off her silky long hair.
If a woman has such beautiful long hair, she may not be happy, but her little thing feels in the way all day.
"Now that you think it’s out of the way, cut it short." Green ink Yan Youwei wiped out the medicine. He grabbed a clean Chinese dress and let Ru Xiaonan set it.
That Chinese dress is his own. Ru Xiaonan is fat and big, but he can avoid touching her leg injury.
"Are you hungry?" Blue ink yan asked a sentence.
RuXiaoNan honest nod.
This is the true side of little things, and big things are not as important as eating.
"Mother Shi has arrived." Xuanyu came in and lowered his hand at the door.
He saw what happened in the house just now, and when he looked at Mammy, he unconsciously took a hint of coldness in his eyes.
Mother Xi is a person around the old duke, and because she has a place to rely on behind her, she doesn’t care about beating children today.
It’s normal to be beaten with a ruler when teaching rules. Who hasn’t been beaten when learning rules?
But when she entered the door, she saw a scene that shocked her.
The girl who was beaten by her is sitting on their legs, eating with her mouth open, waiting for the world to bring her food.
"The world … the world …" Mammy felt something was wrong and bent over.
Without looking up, the green ink continued to sit on the legs with food. "Is this how you teach your mother to be a blessing?"
The teaching mother bowed her head respectfully and made a blessing in her heart.
Qing Moyan stopped chopsticks and looked at the villain in her arms. "What do you think of her blessing?"
Ru Xiaonan blinked his eyes as big as jade and chewed vegetables in his mouth, which helped him to get speechless.
"Can’t you see?" Blue ink yan asked her.
RuXiaoNan blankly shook his head.
"Then I’ll teach you." Qing Mo Yan put chopsticks and told Xuanyu to "get my whip."
Xuanyu handed the whip with both hands.
RuXiaoNan zheng big eyes looking at green ink yan waved a whip to teach mammy.
Teaching mother "ah" to stand on her knees.
"Is that how you do the blessing?" Blue ink yan light glanced at her leisurely holding whip in his hand.
"The … what’s wrong with the old slave? Make you angry … "
Teaching Mammy’s voice did not fall, and the blue ink Yan made another move. This whip was actually taken in the other person’s face.
Blood ran down Mammy’s fingers.
That’s a lot of smoking
RuXiaoNan suo suo shoulder consciousness to blue ink yan leaned over.
Sure enough, this guy, Qing Mo Yan, still don’t provoke and offend him, but there will be no good fruit to eat.
She thought that animals could be healthy, so she made a flattering move.
She grabbed the blue ink Yan clothes and put her face on his chest and rubbed it.
Qing Moyan felt a warmth in her chest and smiled when she looked down at her. "Are you afraid?"
RuXiaoNan shook his head like a rattle.
He’s venting his anger on her. How can she be afraid?
Although this punishment is too heavy.
Ru Xiaonan Jing ‘an curled up in the blue ink Yan’s chest and looked at the blue ink Yan and called the mammy a blessing again and again.
Every time the blue ink face can find fault.
After a while, Mammy collapsed to the ground and gasped.
She was soaked with sweat, her clothes were whipped and her flowers were covered with blood.

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近日,一场别开生面的茶话会在美丽的南京举行,吸引了众多茶文化爱好者和美食探索者。活动现场,热闹非凡,欢声笑语不断。 茶话会以花生为主题,将传统茶文化与现代美食巧妙结合,为参与者带来了一场视觉与味觉的双重盛宴。活动现场,布置得古色古香,摆放着各式茶具,营造出浓厚的茶文化氛围。 活动伊始,主办方邀请了一位资深茶艺师为大家讲解茶文化知识。茶艺师耐心地为大家介绍了茶的起源、种类、冲泡方法等,使大家对茶有了更深入的了解。在茶艺师的指导下,参与者们纷纷动手尝试泡茶,体验茶文化的魅力。 茶话会期间,主办方精心准备了各种花生美食,让参与者们在品茗的同时,大快朵颐。花生糖、花生酱、花生酥等美食琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。现场还设置了互动环节,参与者们纷纷拿出自己的拿手好菜,与大家分享,现场气氛热烈。 值得一提的是,本次活动还邀请了知名书法家现场挥毫泼墨,为茶话会增添了浓厚的文化气息。书法家们用笔尖描绘出优美的诗句,将茶与花生巧妙地融合在一起,让茶话会更具文化内涵。 在茶话会的高潮环节,主办方邀请了一位著名歌手现场演唱。歌手用婉转动人的歌声,为茶话会增添了无限活力。茶香四溢,歌声悠扬,让在场的每一个人都沉浸在美好的氛围中。 茶话会尾声,主办方还为参与者们准备了精美的礼品,感谢大家一整天的陪伴。活动现场,大家合影留念,记录下这美好的时光。 此次《南京花生唐茶话会》不仅让大家领略了茶文化的魅力,还品尝到了各种美味的花生美食。活动结束后,许多参与者纷纷表示,这次茶话会让他们受益匪浅,不仅学到了茶文化知识,还结识了许多志同道合的朋友。 此次茶话会的成功举办,离不开主办方的精心策划和筹备。主办方表示,今后将继续举办此类活动,让更多的人了解茶文化,传承和发扬中华民族优秀的传统文化。相信在不久的将来,南京的茶文化氛围将会越来越浓厚,吸引更多茶文化爱好者的关注。