南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 品茶论坛 When I was in urgent need of Mu Jing, I ordered myself to get drunk on the moon floor quickly and go straight to the general’s office.

When I was in urgent need of Mu Jing, I ordered myself to get drunk on the moon floor quickly and go straight to the general’s office.

The first snow left a man here to wait for the rest of the news, and he also took the guards to the general’s office.
At present, Chen shou should still be in the general office, but I don’t know the situation. It takes a little time to get to the general office from Zuiyue Building, but they are worried and have reached the general office in less than half an hour.
By the left and right stone lions guarding the general’s house, the door is closed.
The gate is white and white, and the white lanterns are still hanging high, and the sadness is very strong.
At this time, it was surrounded by the imperial army.
Suddenly the gate opened and Chen Shou stepped in from the inside.
How’s it going? Mu Jing asked.
Chen Shougong respected me when I came. He was here all the time, and now he is in the mourning hall.
Mujingchu Snow flatly entered through the door.
It’s not lively at ordinary times, and it’s even deeper and quieter after the general’s office dismissed its slaves.
When two people rushed into the lobby, they knelt in front of the mass mat in front of the mourning hall. Section 977 sought after who took her away.
Xiaozhong knelt in front of the mourning hall and closed it.
Look solemn and solemn, it’s hard to hide grief
An old slave was burning paper money beside the sandalwood mourning hall.
Even if Mujingchu snow came in, Xiaozhong didn’t move, and he didn’t even turn his head back.
But the old slave who burned money was surprised to bow down at the sight of the first snow.
The first snow stopped the rest of the guards from entering and let Chen Shou stay outside and secretly check out a general’s office.
I have to say that if a large number of them break into the mourning hall with weapons, it will be quite excessive to disturb the peace and propriety, even if the purpose is not certain.
Seeing this MuJing is calm.
Xiaozhong is here, so if he really took people away, Suer should be nearby.
At the sight of the first snow, the old master spirit tablet was also touched.
Took six sandalwood before.
In front of the candle, I lit three sticks to give Mujing hope, but his eyes didn’t say anything. However, Mujing could see that he hoped to give incense to the old master.
Speaking of Mujing’s heart, it’s not a taste. This man almost killed himself and his brother. However, at this moment, he still wants to give him incense. However, Mujing is not a man who can’t afford it. In the face of a dead grudge, he doesn’t have to move to Taiwan to care about it.
He also became indifferent.
Took the first snow and handed it to me with a solemn expression.
Sincerely and respectfully, I thought it was when I was near, but suddenly my arm crossed in front of Mujing.
Is always close your eyes Xiao Zhong.
Xiaozhongli stood up with his back to Mujing, but this arm turned away from him.
Brother Xiao, what grudges can’t be put aside for the time being? The first snow is full of worries.
Xiao Zhong looked at his father’s spirit tablet seriously and said that my father’s most important thing before his death was that he would be very happy if the emperor came to a column of incense.
The first snow’s eyes were even more worried and glanced at Mujing.
The estrangement between them is obviously extremely obvious. Section 978 Searching for who took her away.
Mujing took a step back and gave the first snow to sandalwood in his hand.
Doubt is to give way.
At this time MuJing won’t be angry about such things.

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