Chapter 31 I know them

Changsheng is right.
AC Milan will die if they think this is their good chance …
As dimatteo saw, no matter what game it is, no matter whether Lazio, the opponent, has become accustomed to it, the winning team will carefully prepare.
How can there be an exception to AC Milan?
Chang Sheng knows Ronaldinho well. How can he not have a special method to contain Ronaldinho?
Ronaldinho’s weakness is obvious now.
Ronaldinho lost his motivation after winning two Champions League titles in a row.
Even if he moves to AC Milan, he can’t find anything that will make him throw everything away and fight for the first place.
Why don’t he just change his environment?
But actually … All wet!
Milan’s rich nightlife will be more deadly than Barcelona’s.
In fact, Ronaldinho was fine from Barcelona.
However, when he went to AC Milan, he was completely immersed in the neon of Milan City.
Even brought Pato down …
Ronaldinho’s fall is irreversible.
This may be a kind of historical inertia.
You can change a lot, but you can’t change a person’s stubborn nature.
Ronaldinho was honest when he was in charge, because he lacked a Champions League title, and now he has won two Champions League titles, more than Ronaldinho at that time.
He then has more reason to fall.
So he continued to play football in his own hands, and I am afraid he is not sure to keep his fighting spirit high.
So it’s time to kill the donkey when you’re successful
I will definitely clean myself.
Ronaldinho’s skill and inspiration are still there, but his body can’t support him for too long.
Lazio’s tactics are simple: keep in touch with Ronaldinho’s body and fight against it to consume Ronaldinho’s physical strength, so that he will soon be unable to keep up with the pace of the game due to lack of physical strength.
Without physical fitness, no matter how good the technology is, you can’t get out.
Containment of Ronaldinho was naturally handed over to ledesma.
At the end of the game, Chang Sheng pulled Ledesma to make a final exhortation.
"Even if you are swayed by him, don’t give up and turn around. Remember to follow him closely no matter what the situation is. Even if you can’t break the football, let him clearly feel that you will not be able to follow your inclinations for a long time …"
Lai Dassman nodded while listening.
"If he wants to play with flowers, let him play!"
Finally, Chang Sheng patted him on the shoulder. "The media always focus on great players as if they were red flowers. Ronaldinho became the focus of attention before the game. Compared with red flowers, you are an ordinary green leaf, but the flowering period is short. When the flowers fade, the green leaves are still there. Do you know what I mean, Christian?"
Ledesma nodded. "I know the boss. The audience likes flowers, but victory depends on green leaves!"
Changsheng is very satisfied. "That’s right, Christian. Every green leaf is the cornerstone of victory. Pick those fast-dying flowers!"
Constant victory is really merciless to his former brother …

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标题:顾舍SPA南京——都市中的世外桃源 在繁忙的都市生活中,人们常常渴望找到一处能够放松身心、远离喧嚣的净土。位于南京的顾舍SPA,正是这样一处让人心灵得到慰藉的世外桃源。这里,高端的服务、专业的技师团队以及独具特色的养生疗法,为都市精英人士量身打造了一片专属的休闲天地。 顾舍SPA南京,秉持着“帝王般的服务宗旨”,为顾客打造了一个私人专属的空间。在这里,顾客可以尽情享受聚会、休闲、减压、疗养、保健等多重服务。为了确保服务质量,顾舍SPA特别引进了专业进修老师,负责制定进修课程,开展技师培训,从而保证技师的服务水准。这些技师均来自全国各地的各个行业,经过不断培养,在技能专业、形象气质、素质修养、沟通交流能力等方面均达到了业界一流水平。 走进顾舍SPA,仿佛进入了一个远离城市喧嚣的遁世之所。这里的环境优雅、静谧,空气中弥漫着淡淡的茶香、熏香和精油芬香。原汁原味的东方养生与楚楚可观的水疗艺师服务,让顾客在身体和精神上达到双重减压的目的。顾舍SPA提供的各类项目,如芳疗、按摩、水疗等,均由顶级芳疗师灵巧的指尖和心灵为您服务,让您在每一秒时光中感受到美妙。 在顾舍SPA,您可以选择多种养生项目,如SPA精油按摩、草本浴、中式按摩等。这些项目不仅能够帮助您缓解疲劳、舒缓压力,还能提升免疫力,增强体质。此外,顾舍SPA还设有茶室、音乐厅等休闲场所,让您在享受服务的同时,也能感受到独特的文化氛围。 顾舍SPA南京,不仅仅是一个SPA会所,更是一个集养生、休闲、文化交流于一体的综合性场所。在这里,您可以品尝到清香的茶水,欣赏到优美的舞乐和高山流水的琴音。这些元素相互交织,营造出一种和谐、宁静的氛围,让您在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的宁静。 值得一提的是,顾舍SPA南京在服务过程中,始终遵循明星级保密原则,确保顾客的隐私得到充分保护。在这里,您可以尽情享受私人定制服务,让身心得到全面的放松和呵护。 总之,顾舍SPA南京是一处让人流连忘返的都市中的世外桃源。在这里,您将感受到专业、贴心的服务,体验到独特的养生文化,度过一段难忘的时光。如果您想要在忙碌的生活中寻找一片宁静,那么顾舍SPA南京绝对是您的不二之选。